[Python-Dev] SIG: python-lang

Barry A. Warsaw bwarsaw@python.org
Wed, 31 May 2000 14:39:46 -0400 (EDT)

>>>>> "PP" == Paul Prescod <paul@prescod.net> writes:

    PP> Plus, we hand down decisions about (e.g. string.join) and they
    PP> have the exact, parallel discussion over there. All the while,
    PP> anyone from PythonDev is telling them: "We've already been
    PP> through this stuff. We've already discussed this." which only
    PP> (understandably) annoys them more.

Good point.

    >> and any discussion will probably be crossposted to the point
    >> where it makes no difference.

    PP> I think that python-dev's role should change. I think that it
    PP> would handle day to day implementation stuff -- nothing long
    PP> term. I mean if the noise level on python-lang was too high
    PP> then we could retreat to python-dev again but I'd like to
    PP> think we wouldn't have to. A couple of sharp words from Guido
    PP> or Tim could end a flamewar pretty quickly.

Then I suggest to moderate python-lang.  Would you (and/or others) be
willing to serve as moderators?  I'd support an open subscription
policy in that case.
