[Python-Dev] SIG: python-lang
Gordon McMillan
Wed, 31 May 2000 17:58:04 -0400
Paul Prescod wrote:
> Greg Stein wrote:
> > Admirable, but I think it would be ineffectual. People would be
> > confused about where to post. Too many forums, with
> > arbitrary/unclear lines about which to use.
> To me, they are clear:
Of course they are ;-). While something doesn't seem right
about the current set up, and c.l.py is still remarkably
civilized, the fact is that the hotheads who say "I'll never use
Python again if you do something as brain-dead as [ case-
insensitivity | require (host, addr) tuples | ''.join(list) | ... ]" will
post their sentiments to every available outlet.
I agree the shift of some of these syntax issues from python-
dev to c.l.py was ugly, but the truth is that:
- no new arguments came from c.l.py
- the c.l.py discussion was much more emotional
- you can't keep out the riff-raff without inviting reasonable
accusations of elitistism
- the vast majority of, erm, "grass-roots" syntax proposals are
absolutely horrid.
(As you surely know, Paul, from your types-SIG tenure;
proposing syntax changes without the slightest intention of
putting any effort into them is a favorite activity of posters.)
- Gordon