[Python-Dev] libdb on by default, but no db.h
Skip Montanaro
skip@mojam.com (Skip Montanaro)
Sun, 3 Sep 2000 22:12:06 -0500 (CDT)
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Vlad> On my AIX combo, configure assumes --with-libdb (yes) but reports
Vlad> that
Vlad> ...
Vlad> checking for db_185.h... no
Vlad> checking for db.h... no
Vlad> ...
Vlad> This leaves the bsddbmodule enabled but it can't compile,
Vlad> obviously. So this needs to be fixed ASAP.
Oops. Please try the attached patch and let me know it it runs better.
(Don't forget to run autoconf.) Besides fixing the problem you
reported, it tells users why bsddb was not supported if they asked for it
but it was not enabled.
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Description: better bsddb detection
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Index: configure.in
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/configure.in,v
retrieving revision 1.154
diff -c -c -r1.154 configure.in
*** configure.in 2000/08/31 17:45:35 1.154
--- configure.in 2000/09/04 03:10:01
*** 813,826 ****
[ --with(out)-libdb disable/enable bsddb module])
! # default is enabled
! if test -z "$with_libdb"
! then with_libdb="yes"
! # if we found db.h, enable, unless with_libdb is expressly set to "no"
! if test "$ac_cv_header_db_h" = "yes" -a "$with_libdb" != "no"
! then with_libdb="yes"
! fi
if test "$with_libdb" = "no"
--- 813,833 ----
[ --with(out)-libdb disable/enable bsddb module])
! # enabled by default, but db.h must be found
! if test "$ac_cv_header_db_h" = "yes"
! then
! if test "$with_libdb" != "no"
! then with_libdb="yes"
! fi
! else
! # make sure user knows why bsddb support wasn't enabled event
! # though s/he requested it
! if test "$with_libdb" = "yes"
! then echo $ac_n "(requested, but db.h was not found) $ac_c"
! fi
! with_libdb="no"
if test "$with_libdb" = "no"