[Python-Dev] Noisy test_gc
Greg Ward
Thu, 7 Sep 2000 19:16:56 -0400
Just built 2.0b1, and noticed that the GC test script is rather noisy:
gc: collectable <list 0x818cf54>
gc: collectable <dictionary 0x822f8b4>
gc: collectable <list 0x818cf54>
gc: collectable <tuple 0x822f484>
gc: collectable <class 0x822f8b4>
gc: collectable <dictionary 0x822f8e4>
gc: collectable <A instance at 0x818cf54>
gc: collectable <dictionary 0x822fb6c>
gc: collectable <A instance at 0x818cf54>
gc: collectable <dictionary 0x822fb9c>
gc: collectable <instance method 0x81432bc>
gc: collectable <B instance at 0x822f0d4>
gc: collectable <dictionary 0x822fc9c>
gc: uncollectable <dictionary 0x822fc34>
gc: uncollectable <A instance at 0x818cf54>
gc: collectable <dictionary 0x822fbcc>
gc: collectable <function 0x8230fb4>
which is the same as it was the last time I built from CVS, but I would
have thought this should go away for a real release...