[Python-Dev] urllib problems under 2.0
Fredrik Lundh
Fredrik Lundh" <effbot@telia.com
Tue, 12 Sep 2000 21:12:20 +0200
the proxy code in 2.0b1's new urllib is broken on my box.
here's the troublemaker:
proxyServer = str(_winreg.QueryValueEx(internetSettings,
if ';' in proxyServer: # Per-protocol settings
for p in proxyServer.split(';'):
protocol, address = p.split('=')
proxies[protocol] = '%s://%s' % (protocol, address)
else: # Use one setting for all protocols
proxies['http'] = 'http://%s' % proxyServer
proxies['ftp'] = 'ftp://%s' % proxyServer
now, on my box, the proxyServer string is "https="
(an encryption proxy used by my bank), so the above code happily
creates the following proxy dictionary:
proxy = {
"http": "http://https="
"ftp": "http://https="
which, of course, results in a "host not found" no matter what URL
I pass to urllib...
a simple fix would be to change the initial test to:
if "=" in proxyServer:
does anyone have a better idea, or should I check this one
in right away?