[Python-Dev] test_minidom now failing on Windows

Guido van Rossum guido@beopen.com
Tue, 19 Sep 2000 01:05:55 -0500

> http://sourceforge.net/bugs/?func=detailbug&bug_id=114775&group_id=5470
> Add info (fails on Linux?  Windows-specific?) or fix or something; assigned
> to Paul.

It's obviously broken.  The test output contains numbers that are
specific per run:

<xml.dom.minidom.Document instance at 0xa104c8c>


[('168820100<class xml.dom.minidom.Element at 0xa0cc58c>', "{'childNodes': []}"), ('168926628<class xml.dom.minidom.Text at 0xa0ccfac>', "{'childNodes': []}"), ('168722260<class xml.dom.minidom.Text at 0xa0ccfac>', "{'childNodes': []}"), ('168655020<class xml.dom.minidom.Text at 0xa0ccfac>', "{'childNodes': []}"), ('168650868<class xml.dom.minidom.Text at 0xa0ccfac>', "{'childNodes': []}"), ('168663308<class xml.dom.minidom.Text at 0xa0ccfac>', "{'childNodes': []}"), ('168846892<class xml.dom.minidom.Text at 0xa0ccfac>', "{'childNodes': []}"), ('169039972<class xml.dom.minidom.Text at 0xa0ccfac>', "{'childNodes': []}"), ('168666508<class xml.dom.minidom.Element at 0xa0cc58c>', "{'childNodes': []}"), ('168730780<class xml.dom.minidom.Element at 0xa0cc58c>', "{'childNodes': []}")]

Paul, please fix this!!!!

--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.pythonlabs.com/~guido/)