[Python-Dev] Python syntax checker ?

M.-A. Lemburg mal@lemburg.com
Thu, 21 Sep 2000 12:32:23 +0200

Martin von Loewis wrote:
> > Would it be possible to write a Python syntax checker that doesn't
> > stop processing at the first error it finds but instead tries to
> > continue as far as possible (much like make -k) ?
> In "Compilerbau", this is referred to as "Fehlerstabilisierung". I
> suggest to have a look at the dragon book (Aho, Seti, Ullman).
> The common approch is to insert or remove tokens, using some
> heuristics. In YACC, it is possible to add error productions to the
> grammar. Whenever an error occurs, the parser assigns all tokens to
> the "error" non-terminal until it concludes that it can perform a
> reduce action.
> A similar approach might work for the Python Grammar. For each
> production, you'd define a set of stabilization tokens. If these are
> encountered, then the rule would be considered complete. Everything is
> consumed until a stabilization token is found.
> For example, all expressions could be stabilized with a
> keyword. I.e. if you encounter a syntax error inside an expression,
> you ignore all tokens until you see 'print', 'def', 'while', etc.
> In some cases, it may be better to add input rather than removing
> it. For example, if you get an "inconsistent dedent" error, you could
> assume that this really was a consistent dedent, or you could assume
> it was not meant as a dedent at all. Likewise, if you get a
> single-quote start-of-string, with no single-quote until end-of-line,
> you just should assume there was one.
> Adding error productions to ignore input until stabilization may be
> feasible on top of the existing parser. Adding tokens in the right
> place is probably harder - I'd personally go for a pure Python
> solution, that operates on Grammar/Grammar.

I think I'd prefer a Python solution too -- perhaps I could
start out with tokenizer.py and muddle along that way. pylint
from Aaron Waters should also provide some inspiration.

Marc-Andre Lemburg
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