[Python-Dev] Python 2.0 beta 2 pre-release
Victor the Cleaner
Tue, 26 Sep 2000 15:55:02 -0700 (PDT)
Hi All,
Jeremy asked me to send this report (which I originally sent just to
him) along to the rest of python-dev, so here ya go:
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Hey Jeremy,
Configured (--without-gcc), made and ran just fine on my IRIX6.5 O2.
The "make test" output indicated a lot of skipped modules since I
didn't do any Setup.in modifications before making everything, and the
only error came from test_unicodedata:
test test_unicodedata failed -- Writing: 'e052289ecef97fc89c794cf663cb74a64631d34e', expected: 'b88684df19fca8c3d0ab31f040dd8de89f7836fe'
Nothing else that ran had any errors. Here's the final output:
77 tests OK.
1 test failed: test_unicodedata
24 tests skipped: test_al test_audioop test_cd test_cl test_crypt test_dbm test_dl test_gdbm test_gl test_gzip test_imageop test_imgfile test_linuxaudiodev test_minidom test_nis test_pty test_pyexpat test_rgbimg test_sax test_sunaudiodev test_timing test_winreg test_winsound test_zlib
is there anything I can do to help debug the unicodedata failure?
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Jeremy Hylton writes:
| We have tar balls and RPMs available on our private FTP site,
| python.beopen.com. If you have a chance to test these on your
| platform in the next couple of hours, feedback would be appreciated.
| We've tested on FreeBSD and RH and Mandrake Linux.
| What we're most interested in hearing about is whether it builds
| cleanly and runs the regression test.
| The actual release will occur later today from pythonlabs.com.
| Jeremy
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