[Python-Dev] Stupid distutils bug
Greg Ward
Tue, 26 Sep 2000 20:11:07 -0400
No, I mean *really* stupid. So stupid that I nearly fell out of my
chair with embarassment when I saw Thomas Heller's report of it, because
I released Distutils 0.9.3 *before* reading my mail. D'oh!
Anyways, this is such a colossally stupid bug that I'm *glad* 2.0b2
hasn't gone out yet: it gives me a chance to checkin the (3-line) fix.
Here's what I plan to do:
* tag distutils-0_9_3 (ie. last bit of bureaucracy for the
broken, about-to-be-superseded release)
* checkin my fix
* release Distutils 0.9.4 (with this 3-line fix and *nothing* more)
* tag distutils-0_9_4
* calmly sit back and wait for Jeremy and Tim to flay me alive
Egg-on-face, paper-bag-on-head, etc. etc...
PS. be sure to cc me: I'm doing this from home, but my python-dev
subscription goes to work.
Greg Ward gward@python.net