[Python-Dev] Class Methods

Thomas Heller thomas.heller@ion-tof.com
Fri, 20 Apr 2001 18:07:23 +0200

> > Look into the motivation for the Prototype Pattern in the GOF
> > book, or even better in the discussion of this pattern in the
> > 'Design Pattern Smalltalk Companion' book.
> I imagine many of us (including yours truly :-) don't recall that in
> enough detail and/or don't have the book handy to look it up, so would
> you please do us a favor and explain this in a bit more detail?
This is a valid request, but please wait for my larger example.
I'm referring to this because I have not been good at explaining
the things I want...

All in all:

I'm not really ready to start the fight _now_, I was just
looking for some help...


PS: I find it strange that everyone so far seems to be against it.