[Python-Dev] Shall I start adding iterators to Python 2.2?

Aahz Maruch aahz@rahul.net
Fri, 20 Apr 2001 10:08:53 -0700 (PDT)

Barry A. Warsaw wrote:
> Second, I'm still not totally comfortable with the "for keys:values in
> dict" part of the proposal, especially with the elaboration of letting
> either keys or values be missing.  An alternative, which I sure has
> been raised, but which isn't in the PEP, is to allow an alternative
> pseudo-keyword in the `in' position.  For example, allow "over" which
> has the semantics when used with a dict of iterating over keys.items()
> and when iterating over a sequence has the semantics of iterating over
> zip(range(len(a)), a).  Thus only this would be allowed:
>     for key, value over dict:
>     for index, item over seq:

+1 from me, particularly the part about getting rid of "keys:values"; I
just see little advantage to using anything other than a tuple.
                      --- Aahz (@pobox.com)

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