[Python-Dev] anyone have an Irix box?
Michael Hudson
27 Apr 2001 00:45:05 +0100
"Fredrik Lundh" <fredrik@effbot.org> writes:
> SRE doesn't work at all under Irix8/gcc, according to this report
> https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=233790&group_id=5470&atid=105470
> unfortunately, the submitter didn't provide any contact info, and
> hasn't bothered to follow up with more details. and I still don't
> have a working SGI box.
> any ideas how to deal with this?
Quinn Dunkan (quinn at dinar.ugcs.caltech.edu) has/had an Irix box he
could test stuff on (I tried to help him sort some readline stuff out
once but got nowhere). I'm sure he would run make test and email you
the output if you asked nicely. While not ideal, if it works for him
it would give you more justification in closing the report unless the
OP comes up with some more info.
Just put the user directories on a 486 with deadrat7.1 and turn the
Octane into the afforementioned beer fridge and keep it in your
office. The lusers won't notice the difference, except that you're
more cheery during office hours. -- Pim van Riezen, asr