[Python-Dev] Direction of PyChecker
Samuele Pedroni
Sat, 11 Aug 2001 01:44:39 +0200
> Guido van Rossum wrote:
> >
> > [Samuele Pedroni]
> > > I'm consindering the possibility of adding a special mode to jython
> > > (based on hooks and on porting the CPython tools/compiler) in which
> > > you can retrieve the PVM bytecode of code objects, then there would
> > > be still to make PyChecker java classes aware, but it could run
> > > under jython. (Don't know when I will get at doing this)
> >
> > But is it really a good idea to codify PVM bytecode as the way to do
> > introspection? I'd much rather have a standard library API that
> > parses a module and gives you a list of variables, functions, classes,
> > etc., and lets you drill down into the symbol table of each of those.
> > (I realize more is needed, you need to be able to inspect every
> > statement too -- that can be done by providing access to an AST.)
> While it would make my life easier to modify jython, I tend to agree
> with Guido. Ideally, checker would use ASTs. I really want checker
> to work with jython, but it's too much work to do right now.
> The reason why I chose to use the PVM bytecode was because it was
> faster and easier to get something. I started trying to use ASTs
> but it would have taken a lot longer to get anywhere.
> I would like to support pychecker under jython, just not sure of
> the best or fastest way to get there.
There have been a misunderestanding and don't like at all to play the role of
the ominous sinner,
ignorant of language design.
I was just proposing a hack, not codifying anything at all,
vs. what at the moment is just discussing about The Right Thing, aka wishful
regards, Samuele Pedroni.