[Python-Dev] Showstopper in import?

Tim Peters tim.one@home.com
Fri, 2 Feb 2001 04:50:36 -0500

[M.-A. Lemburg]
> I have already reported this to Jeremy. There are other instances
> of 'from x import *' in function and class scope too, e.g.
> some test() functions in the standard dist do this.

But there are no instances of "from x import *" in the case I reported,
despite that the error msg (erroneously!) claimed there was.  It's
complaining about

    from Percolator import Percolator

in a class definition.  That smells like a bug, not a debatable design

> I am repeating myself here, but I think that this single change
> will cause so many people to find their scripts are failing
> that it is really not worth it.

Provided the case above is fixed, IDLE will indeed fail to compile anyway,
because Guido does

    from Tkinter import *

inside several functions.  But that's a different problem.

> Better issue a warning than raise an exception here !

If Jeremy can't generate correct code, a warning is too weak.