[Python-Dev] Adding pymalloc to the core (Benchmarking "fun" (was Re: Python 2.1 slower than 2.0))
Fredrik Lundh
Fri, 2 Feb 2001 15:14:30 +0100
mal wrote:
> We'll only have to sort out whether to make it opt-in (the
> current state of the patch) or opt-out. The latter would
> certainly enable better testing of the code, but I understand
> that Jeremy doesn't want to destabilize the release just now.
> Perhaps we'll need a third alpha release ?! (the weak reference
> implementation and the other goodies need much more testing
> IMHO than just one alpha cycle)
+1 on opt-out and an extra alpha to hammer on weak refs,
nested namespaces, and pymalloc.
+0 on pymalloc opt-in and no third alpha
-1 on function attri, oops, to late.
Cheers /F