[Python-Dev] Waaay off topic, but I felt I had to share this...

Tim Peters tim.one@home.com
Sat, 3 Feb 2001 03:48:01 -0500

[Skip Montanaro, whose ship has finally come in!]
> ...
> Today I got an interesting "match" from Hotjobs.com's agent:
>     ***Your Chicago Software agent yielded 1 jobs:
>     1. Vice President - Internet Technology
>     Playboy Enterprises Inc.
>     http://www.hotjobs.com/cgi-bin/job-show-mysql?J__PINDEX=J612497NR
> ...
> I wonder how committed they are to research?

Go for it!  All communication technologies are driven by the need for
delivering porn (you surely don't think Ford Motor Company funded streaming
media research <0.7 link>).

This inspired me to look at http://www.playboy.com/.  A very fancy,
media-rich website, that appears to have been coded by hand in Notepad by
monkeys -- but monkeys with an inate sense of Pythonic indentation:

// this is browser detect thingy
// this is status message function
	function stat(words)

It's possible that they're not beyond hope, although they seem to think that
horizontal space is precious while vertical abundant.

> Alas, they aren't looking for Python skills, ...

Only because they haven't met you!  Guido would surely love to see "Python
Powered" on a soft-core porn portal <cackle>.

send-python-dev-the-cyber-club-password-after-you-start-ly y'rs  - tim