[Python-Dev] insertdict slower?

Tim Peters tim.one@home.com
Sat, 3 Feb 2001 08:15:17 -0500

> ... to the contrary, it said lookdict got 4.5% *faster* in 2.1.

Ack, I was reading the wrong column.  It actually said that lookdict went
from 0.48 to 0.49 seconds, while insertdict went from 0.20 to 0.26.


Whatever, the profile isn't pointing at things that make sense, and is
pointing at things that don't.

Then again, why anyone would believe any output from a computer program is
beyond me <wink>.

needs-sleep-ly y'rs  - tim

PS:  Sorry to say it, but rich comparisons have nothing to do with this
either!  Run your dict creation test under a debugger and watch it -- the
rich compares never get called.  The basic reason is that hash(i) == i for
all Python ints i (except for -1, but you're not using that).  So the hash
codes in your dict creation test are never equal.  But there's never a
reason to call a "real compare" unless you hit a case where the hash codes
*are* equal.  The latter never happens, so neither does the former.  The
insert either finds an empty slot at once (& so returns immediately), or
collides.  But in the latter case, as soon as it sees that ep->me_hash !=
hash, it just moves on the next slot in the probe sequence; and so until it
does find an empty slot.