[Python-Dev] insertdict slower?
Tim Peters
Sat, 3 Feb 2001 16:08:08 -0500
> Looks like Jeremy's machine has a problem or this is the result
> of different compiler optimizations.
Are you using an AMD chip? They have different cache behavior than the
Pentium I expect Jeremy is using. Different flavors of Pentium also have
different cache behavior. If the slowdown his box reports in insertdict is
real (which I don't know), cache effects are the most likely cause (given
that the code has not changed at all).
> On my machine using the same compiler and optimization settings
> I get the following figure for DictCreation (2.1a1 vs. 2.0):
> DictCreation: 1869.35 ms 12.46 us +8.77%
> That's below noise level (+/-10%).
Jeremy saw "about 15%". So maybe that's just *loud* noise <wink>.
noise-should-be-measured-in-decibels-ly y'rs - tim