[Python-Dev] Waaay off topic, but I felt I had to share this...
Tim Peters
Sat, 3 Feb 2001 22:33:48 -0500
[Barry A. Warsaw]
> There goes Tim, browsing the Playboy site just for the
> JavaScript. Honest.
Well, it's not like they had many floating-point numbers to ogle! I like
'em best when the high-order mantissa bits are all perky and regular,
standing straight up, then go monster insane in the low-order bits, so you
can't guess *what* bit might come next! Man, that's hot. Top it off witn
an exponent field with lots of ones, and you don't even need any oil. Can't
say I've got a preference for sign bits, though -- zero and one can both be
saucy treats. Zero is more of a tease, so I guess it depends on the mood.
But they didn't have anything like that, just boring old "money doubles",
like 29.95. What's up with that? I mean the low-order bits are all like
0x33. Do I have to do *all* the work, while it just *sits* there nagging
"3, 3, 3, 3, ..., crank me out forever, big poppa pump, but that's all
you're ever gonna get!"?
So I settled for the JavaStrip.
a-real-man-takes-what-he-can-get-ly y'rs - tim