[Python-Dev] re: for in dict (user expectation poll)

Greg Wilson gvwilson@ca.baltimore.com
Tue, 6 Feb 2001 12:28:59 -0500

> On Tue, 6 Feb 2001, Greg Wilson wrote:
> > Even after being shown half-a-dozen
> > examples of Python for loops, many of them write:
> > 
> >     for i in someSequence:
> >         print someSequence[i]
> > 
> > in their first exercise.

> Ka-Ping Yee:
> Amazing (to me).  Thank you for this data point; it's news to me.

Greg Wilson:
To be fair, these are all people with some previous programming
experience --- I suspect (no proof) that Fortran/C/Java have
trained them to think that iteration is over index space, rather
than value space.  It'd be interesting to check the intuitions
of students who'd been raised on the C++ STL's iterators, but I
don't think that'll ever be possible --- C++ seems to be dropping
out of the undergrad curriculum in favor of Java.

By the way, I do *not* think this is a knock-down argument against
your proposal --- it's no more of a wart than needing the trailing
comma in singleton tuples like "(3,)".  However:

1. Special cases make teaching harder (he said, repeating the
   obvious yet again).

2. I expect that if it was added, the "traditional" for-loop syntax
   would eventually fall into disfavor, since people who want to
   write really general functions over collections would have to
   use the new syntax.


p.s. in case no-one has said it, or I've missed it, thanks very
much for putting the PEP together so quickly, and for bringing
so many of the issues into focus.