[Python-Dev] Pre-PEP: Python Character Model

M.-A. Lemburg mal@lemburg.com
Wed, 07 Feb 2001 13:23:50 +0100

Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> Neil Hodgson wrote:
> >    Matz: "We don't believe there can be any single characer-encoding that
> > encompasses all the world's languages.  We want to handle multiple encodings
> > at the same time (if you want to)."
> neither does the unicode designers, of course: the point
> is that unicode only deals with glyphs, not languages.
> most existing japanese encodings also include language info,
> and if you don't understand the difference, it's easy to think
> that unicode sucks...
> I'd say we need support for *languages*, not more internal
> encodings.

>>> print "Hello World!".encode('ascii','German')
Hallo Welt!

Nice thought ;-)

Seriously, do you think that these issues are solvable at the
programming language level ? I think that the information needed
to fully support language specific notations is much too complicated
to go into the Python core. This should be left to applications
and add-on packages to figure out.

Marc-Andre Lemburg
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