[Python-Dev] Python 2.1 release schedule

Tim Peters tim.one@home.com
Sun, 11 Feb 2001 04:20:37 -0500

Other issues:

+ Make "global x" textually following any reference to x (in the
  same scope) a compile-time error.  Unclear whether

  def f():
     global x
     global x

  is an error under that rule (i.e., does appearance in a global
  stmt constitute "a reference"?).  Ditto for

  def f():
      global x, x

  My opinion:  declarations aren't references, and redundant
  declarations don't hurt (so "no, not an error" to both).

  Change Ref Man accordingly (i.e., this plugs a hole in the
  *language* defn, it's not just a question of implementation
  accident du jour anymore).

+ Spew warning for "import *" and "exec" at function scope, or
  change Ref Man to spell out when this is and isn't guaranteed
  to work.

Guido appeared to agree with both of those.