[Python-Dev] troubling math bug under IRIX 6.5

Flying Cougar Burnette tommy@ilm.com
Tue, 13 Feb 2001 14:25:13 -0800 (PST)

sorry- BOTH blew up until I turned off optimization.  now neither
does.  shall I turn opts back on and try a few more cases? 

Tim Peters writes:
| [Tommy turns off optimization, and all is well]
| >> Do either of these blow up too?
| >>
| >> >>> 4 * 0.60653065971263342
| >> >>> 4.0 * math.exp(-0.5)
| > yup.
| OK.  Does the first one blow up?  Does the second one blow up?  Or do both
| blow up?
| Fourth question:  does
| >> 4.0 * 0.60653065971263342
| blow up?
| > ...
| > And the next step is... ?
| Stop making me pull your teeth <wink>.  I'm trying to narrow down where it's
| screwing up.  At worst, then, you can disable optimization only for that
| particular file, and create a tiny bug case to send off to SGI World
| Headquarters so they fix this someday.  At best, perhaps a tiny bit of code
| rearrangement will unstick your compiler (I'm good at guessing what might
| work in that respect, but need to narrow it down to a single function within
| Python first), and I can check that in for 2.1.