[Python-Dev] compile leaks memory. lots of memory.
Barry A. Warsaw
Wed, 21 Feb 2001 16:19:47 -0500
>>>>> "FL" == Fredrik Lundh <fredrik@effbot.org> writes:
FL> while 1: compile("print 'hello'\n", "<string>", "exec")
FL> current CVS leaks just over 1k per call to compile.
FL> 1.5.2 and 2.0 doesn't leak a byte.
FL> make the script a little more complex, and it leaks even
FL> more (4k for a small function, 650k for Tkinter.py, etc).
I have plans to spend a fair bit of time running memory/leak analysis
over Python after the conference. I'm kind of waiting until we enter
beta, i.e. feature freeze.