[Python-Dev] to whoever made the termios changes...

Guido van Rossum guido@digicool.com
Tue, 27 Feb 2001 19:24:47 -0500

> I've already deleted the check-in mail and forgot who it was!
> Hopefully you're listening... (Fred, maybe?)

Yes, Fred.

> I just did a cvs update and am no getting this when compiling on
> irix65:
> cc -O -OPT:Olimit=0 -I. -I/usr/u0/tommy/pycvs/python/dist/src/./Include -IInclude/ -I/usr/local/include -c /usr/u0/tommy/pycvs/python/dist/src/Modules/termios.c -o build/temp.irix-6.5-2.1/termios.o
> cc-1020 cc: ERROR File = /usr/u0/tommy/pycvs/python/dist/src/Modules/termios.c, Line = 320
>   The identifier "B230400" is undefined.
>         {"B230400", B230400},
>                     ^
> cc-1020 cc: ERROR File = /usr/u0/tommy/pycvs/python/dist/src/Modules/termios.c, Line = 321
>   The identifier "CBAUDEX" is undefined.
>         {"CBAUDEX", CBAUDEX},
>                     ^
> cc-1020 cc: ERROR File = /usr/u0/tommy/pycvs/python/dist/src/Modules/termios.c, Line = 399
>   The identifier "CRTSCTS" is undefined.
>         {"CRTSCTS", CRTSCTS},
>                     ^
> cc-1020 cc: ERROR File = /usr/u0/tommy/pycvs/python/dist/src/Modules/termios.c, Line = 432
>   The identifier "VSWTC" is undefined.
>         {"VSWTC", VSWTC},
>                   ^
> 4 errors detected in the compilation of "/usr/u0/tommy/pycvs/python/dist/src/Modules/termios.c".
> time for an #ifdef?

Definitely.  At least these 4; maybe for every stupid symbol we're

--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)