[Python-Dev] Re: Case-sensitive import

Tim Peters tim.one@home.com
Wed, 28 Feb 2001 12:36:45 -0500

> I tested your changes on Cygwin and they work correctly.  Thanks very much.

Good!  I guess that just leaves poor Steven hanging (although I've got ~200
emails I haven't gotten to yet, so maybe he's already pulled himself up).

> Unfortunately, my concerns about building due to your implementation using
> direct Win32 APIs were realized.  This delayed my response.
> The current Python CVS stills builds OOTB (with the exception of termios)
> with the current Cygwin gcc (i.e., 2.95.2-6).  However, using the next
> Cygwin gcc (i.e., 2.95.2-8 or later) will require one to configure with:
>     CC='gcc -mwin32' configure ...
> and the following minor patch be accepted:
> http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=404928&gro
> up_id=5470&atid=305470

I checked that patch in already, about 15 minutes after you uploaded it.  Is
this service, or what?! <wink>

> That patch seems fine -- except that I'd like /F to have a quick look
> since it changes _sre.c.

Too late and no need.  What Jason did to _sre.c is *undo* some Cygwin
special-casing; /F will like that.  It's trivial anyway.

Jason, about this:

    However, using the next Cygwin gcc (i.e., 2.95.2-8 or later) will
    require one to configure with:

        CC='gcc -mwin32' configure ...

How can we make that info *useful* to people?  The target audience for the
Cygwin port probably doesn't search Python-Dev or the Python patches
database.  So it would be good if you thought about uploading an
informational patch to README and Misc/NEWS briefly telling Cygwin folks what
they need to know.  If you do, I'll look for it and check it in.