[Python-Dev] RE: xreadline speed vs readlines_sizehint
Tim Peters
Thu, 11 Jan 2001 01:10:40 -0500
[Tim, to MarkF]
>> You average over 255 chars/line? [nag, nag, nag]
[Mark Favas]
> Real-life input, my boy! It's actually a syslog from my
> mailserver, consisting mainly of sendmail log messages, and I
> have a current need to process these things (MS Exchange,
> corrupted database, clobbered backup tapes), so this thread
> came along at the right time...
Hmm. I tuned ms_getline_hack for Guido's logfiles, which he said don't
often exceed 160 chars/line. I guess if you're on a 64-bit platform,
though, it must take about twice as many chars per line to record a log msg
> ...
> Removing the buffer size arg in the call to readlines_sizehint results
> in this (using up-to-the-minute CVS):
> total 131426612 chars and 514216 lines
> count_chars_lines 4.922 4.916
> readlines_sizehint 3.881 3.850
> using_fileinput 10.371 10.366
> while_readline 10.943 10.916
> for_xreadlines 2.990 2.967
> and with an 8Kb sizehint:
> total 131426612 chars and 514216 lines
> count_chars_lines 5.241 5.216
> readlines_sizehint 2.917 2.900
> using_fileinput 10.351 10.333
> while_readline 10.990 10.983
> for_xreadlines 2.877 2.867
That's sure consistent across platforms, then. I guess we'll write it off
to "cache effects" (a catch-all explanation for any timing mystery -- go
ahead, just *try* to prove it's wrong <0.5 wink>).
[and Mark has HAVE_GETC_UNLOCKED on his Tru64 Unix box, yet
using_fileinput is quicker than while_readline]
> (although defining the former makes the latter def irrelevant):
> (test_bufio also OK)
> total 131426612 chars and 514216 lines
> count_chars_lines 5.056 5.050
> readlines_sizehint 3.771 3.667
> using_fileinput 11.128 11.116
> while_readline 8.287 8.233
> for_xreadlines 3.090 3.083
So ms_getline_hack is significantly faster on your box (I'm only looking at
while_readline: 11 using getc_unlocked, 8.3 using ms_getline_hack). There
are only two reasons I can imagine for that:
1. Your vendor optimizes the inner loop in fgets (as all vendors should, but
few do).
2. Despite the long average length of your lines, many of them are
nevertheless shorter than 200 chars, and so all the pain ms_getline_hack
endures to avoid a realloc pays off.
Unfortunately, there's not enough info to figure out if either, both, or
none of those are on-target. It's such a large percentage speedup, though,
that my bet goes primarily to #1 -- unless realloc is really pig slow on
your box. Which some things *are*:
> With USE_MS_GETLINE_HACK and HAVE_GETC_UNLOCKED both #undef'ed (just
> for completeness):
> total 131426612 chars and 514216 lines
> count_chars_lines 4.916 4.900
> readlines_sizehint 3.875 3.867
> using_fileinput 14.404 14.383
> while_readline 322.728 321.837
> for_xreadlines 7.113 7.100
> So, having HAVE_GETC_UNLOCKED #define'd does make a small improvement
> <grin>
Yes, that's the "platform from Mars" evidence I was seeking: if
ms_getline_hack survives test_bufio on *your* crazy box, it's as close to
provably correct as any algorithm in all of Computer Science <wink>.
a-factor-of-39-is-almost-big-enough-to-notice!-ly y'rs - tim