Partial victory (was RE: [Python-Dev] RE: test_sax failing (Windows))

Christian Tismer
Mon, 22 Jan 2001 14:13:46 +0100

Maybe I can help.

Tim Peters wrote:
> Here's where I am now:
> =========================================================================
> All test_sax failures have gone away (yay!).
> =========================================================================
> Running
>     rt -x test_sax
> on Windows still blows up in test_extcall on the 2nd pass.  It does not blow
> up:
>     using the debug build; or
>     if test_sax is *not* excluded; or
>     in the 1st pass; or
>     when running text_extcall in isolation; or
>     if the steps rt performs are done by hand

I got problems with XML as well. I'm not using SAX, but plain
expat for speed. The following error happens after parsing
thousands of small XML files:

Traceback (innermost last):
  File "<interactive input>", line 1, in ?
  File "D:\crml_doc\pxml\", line 151, in getall
    getall(here, res)
  File "D:\crml_doc\pxml\", line 151, in getall
    getall(here, res)
  File "D:\crml_doc\pxml\", line 151, in getall
    getall(here, res)
  File "D:\crml_doc\pxml\", line 149, in getall
  File "D:\crml_doc\pxml\", line 81, in parse
    self.parsers[0].Parse(self.txt1, 1)
  File "D:\crml_doc\pxml\", line 53, in endElementMaster
    if self.txt2: self.parsers[1].Parse(self.txt2, 1)
  File "D:\crml_doc\pxml\", line 46, in startElementOther
    if name <> "MASTER":
UnicodeError: UTF-8 decoding error: invalid data

The good news: The error is reproducible, happens the same under
PythonWin and DOS Python, and I can reduce it to a single XML file.
That indicates to me that I am near the reason of the bug,
not at late, indirect effects.
It also *might* be related to Unicode.

I will now try to create a minimized script and XML data that
produces the above again.

back in an hour - chris

Christian Tismer             :^)   <>
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