[Python-Dev] Re: [Python-checkins] CVS: python/dist/src/Lib/test test___all__.py,1.3,1.4

Skip Montanaro skip@mojam.com (Skip Montanaro)
Tue, 23 Jan 2001 12:35:04 -0600 (CST)

    Guido> - Use "exec ... in dict" to avoid having to walk on eggshells;
    Guido>   locals no don't have to start with underscore.

Thanks.  I have just been incredibly short on time lately.

    Guido> - Only test dbhash if bsddb can be imported.  (Wonder if there
    Guido>   are more like this?)

Alpha testing should pick those up, yes? ;-)

    Guido> ! try:
    Guido> !     import bsddb
    Guido> ! except ImportError:
    Guido> !     if verbose:
    Guido> !         print "can't import bsddb, so skipping dbhash"
    Guido> ! else:
    Guido> !     check_all("dbhash")

Instead of having to know that dbhash includes bsddb, shouldn't dbhash be
the module that's imported here?
