[Python-Dev] Re: Python 2.1 slower than 2.0

M.-A. Lemburg mal@lemburg.com
Mon, 29 Jan 2001 13:52:12 +0100

Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> mal wrote:
> >                UnicodeMappings:    1631.65 ms   90.65 us  +42.76%
> >              UnicodePredicates:    1762.10 ms    7.83 us  +15.99%
> >              UnicodeProperties:    1410.80 ms    7.05 us  +19.57%
> >                 UnicodeSlicing:    1366.20 ms    7.81 us  +19.23%
> >
> > Unicode mappings and other Unicode database related methods
> > show the effect of the compression of the Unicode database -- a
> > clear space/speed tradeoff.
> umm.  the tests don't seem to test the "\N{name}" escapes, so the
> only thing that has changed in 2.1 is the "decomposition" method
> (used in the UnicodeProperties test).

The mappings figure surprised me too: the code has not changed,
but the unicodetype_db.h look different. Don't know how this
affects performance though.

The differences could also be explained by a increase in Unicode
object creation time (the concatenation is also a lot slower),
so perhaps that's where we should look...

> are you sure you're comparing against 2.0 final?

Yes... after a check of the Makefile I found that I had compiled
Python 2.0 with -O3 and 2.1a1 with -O2 -- perhaps this makes
a difference w/r to inlining of code. I'll recompile and rerun
the benchmark.
Marc-Andre Lemburg
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