[Python-Dev] While we're deprecating...
Guido van Rossum
Thu, 05 Jul 2001 09:12:46 -0400
> While we're in the deprecation mood (not that I changed my mind on xrage()
> ;P) how about we deprecate the alternate-tab-size-comment checks of the
> parser. That is, generate a deprecation warning for these comments:
> "tab-width:", /* Emacs */
> ":tabstop=", /* vim, full form */
> ":ts=", /* vim, abbreviated form */
> "set tabsize=", /* will vi never die? */
> with sizes other than '8', and rip out the code in 2.3 ?
Was this ever even documented? Is it worth being so careful? We
could rip out the functionality now, replacing it with a warning, and
lose the warning in 2.3. Or we could just rip it out now, and always
enable the -t option. (Hm, that should be unified with the warnings
framework, although I'm not sure how easy that will be.)
--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)