[Python-Dev] RE: Defining Unicode Literal Encodings

Tim Peters tim.one@home.com
Fri, 13 Jul 2001 17:20:12 -0400

[M.-A. Lemburg]
> PEP: 0263 (?)
> Title: Defining Unicode Literal Encodings
> Version: $Revision: 1.0 $
> Author: mal@lemburg.com (Marc-André Lemburg)
> Status: Draft
> Type: Standards Track
> Python-Version: 2.3
> Created: 06-Jun-2001
> Post-History:

Since this depends on PEP 244, it should also have a

  Requires: 244

header line.

> ...
> ... can be set using the "directive" statement proposed in PEP 244.
>     The syntax for the directives is as follows:
>     'directive' WS+ 'unicodeencoding' WS* '=' WS* PYTHONSTRINGLITERAL
>     'directive' WS+ 'rawunicodeencoding' WS* '=' WS* PYTHONSTRINGLITERAL

PEP 244 doesn't allow these spellings:  at most one atom is allowed after
the directive name, and

    = "whatever"

isn't an atom.  Remove the '=' and PEP 244 is happy, though.  If you want to
keep the "=", PEP 244 has to change.

> ...

> Hm, then the directive would syntactically have to *precede* the
> docstring.  That currently doesn't work -- the docstring may only be
> preceded by blank lines and comments.  Lots of tools for processing
> docstrings already have this built into them.  Is it worth breaking
> them so that editors can remain stupid?
