[Python-Dev] More unicode blues...

Mark Favas mark.favas@csiro.au
Wed, 27 Jun 2001 19:48:37 +0800

unicodectype.c now fails to compile, because ch is declared const, and
then assigned to. Tim has (apparently) had similar problems, but in his
case the compiler just gives a warning, rather than an error.:

<sample of many similar>
cc: Error: Objects/unicodectype.c, line 67: In this statement, "ch" has
const-qualified type, but occurs in a context that requires a modifiable
lvalue. (neednonconst)
        ch += ctype->title;
cc: Error: Objects/unicodectype.c, line 69: In this statement, "ch" has
const-qualified type, but occurs in a context that requires a modifiable
lvalue. (neednonconst)
        ch += ctype->upper;
cc: Error: Objects/unicodectype.c, line 74: In this statement, "ch" has
const-qualified type, but occurs in a context that requires a modifiable
lvalue. (neednonconst)
        ch -= 0x10000;

Mark Favas  -   m.favas@per.dem.csiro.au
CSIRO, Private Bag No 5, Wembley, Western Australia 6913, AUSTRALIA