[Python-Dev] Deprecating locals() (was Re: nested scopes and global: some corner cases)
Samuele Pedroni
Mon, 12 Mar 2001 02:39:51 +0100
> Actually, I intend to deprecate locals(). For now, globals() are
> fine. I also intend to deprecate vars(), at least in the form that is
> equivalent to locals().
That's fine for me. Will that deprecation be already active with 2.1, e.g
having locals() and param-less vars() raise a warning.
I imagine a (new) function that produce a snap-shot of the values in the
local,free and cell vars of a scope can do the job required for simple
debugging (the copy will not allow to modify back the values),
or another approach...
In the meantime (if there's a meantime) is ok for jython to behave
the way I have explained or not?
wrt to exec+locals()+global+nested scopes .
regards, Samuele Pedroni