[Python-Dev] Media spotting

Greg Ward gward@python.net
Fri, 16 Mar 2001 17:34:23 -0500

No doubt the Vancouver crowd has already seen this by now, but the rest
of you probably haven't.  From *The Globe and Mail*, March 15 2001, page

Targeting people who work with computers but aren't programmers -- such
as data analysts, software testers, and Web masters -- ActivePerl comes
with telephone support and developer tools such as an "editor."  This
feature highlights mistakes made in a user's work -- similar to the
squiggly line that appears under spelling mistakes in Word documents.

A-ha! so *that's* what editors are for!


PS. article online at


Apart from the above paragraph, it's pretty low on howlers.

Greg Ward - programmer-at-big                           gward@python.net
If you and a friend are being chased by a lion, it is not necessary to
outrun the lion.  It is only necessary to outrun your friend.