[Python-Dev] Sourceforge FAQ

Barry A. Warsaw barry@digicool.com
Sun, 18 Mar 2001 12:18:31 -0500

>>>>> "TW" == Thomas Wouters <thomas@xs4all.net> writes:

    TW> The thread started by Paul asking why his question wasn't in
    TW> the FAQ :) As for 'dinkytoy attitude': it's a great, wonderful
    TW> toy, but you can't use it for real. A bit harsh, I guess, but
    TW> I've been hitting the CVS constraints many times in the last
    TW> two weeks. (Moving files, moving directories, removing
    TW> directories 'for real', moving between different repositories
    TW> in which some files/directories (or just their names) overlap,
    TW> making diffs with new files in them ;) etc.)

Was it Greg Wilson who said at IPC8 that CVS was the worst tool that
everybody uses (or something like that)?
