[Python-Dev] Problems with dbhash in Python-2.1? (fwd)

Skip Montanaro skip@pobox.com (Skip Montanaro)
Thu, 1 Nov 2001 13:10:42 -0600

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I forward this note from Roy Smith along because it might be a setup.py bug
that could be fixed easily for the 2.1.2 release.  My guess is that
distutils couldn't find the necessary libraries or header files, so declined
to build bsddb.  If Roy Smith can locate them on the solaris and debian
machines, the patch to setup.py should be pretty straightforward.  Roy, can
you dig up that info?


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From: roy@panix.com (Roy Smith)
Sender: python-list-admin@python.org
To: python-list@python.org
Subject: Problems with dbhash in Python-2.1?
Date: 1 Nov 2001 13:58:32 -0500

I've got an application written in Python-2.0, which used the dbhash
module.  I've had two different people report similar problems running
it under Python-2.1.  One of them on Debian Linux, the other on

The solaris guy reports the following stack trace:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/export/home/emermels/source/src/tools/cvt1418.py", line 6, in
    import smic
  File "/export/home/emermels/source/src/tools/pylib/smic.py", line 9,
  in ?
    import dbhash
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.1/dbhash.py", line 5, in ?
    import bsddb
ImportError: No module named bsddb

The Debian guy got some other strange error involving bsddb (which
unfortunately I didn't save, because when he down-graded to 2.0 the
problem went away).

Is this a known problem?
