[Python-Dev] RE: Program very slow to finish

Paul Svensson paul-python@svensson.org
Tue, 6 Nov 2001 18:16:23 -0500 (EST)

On Tue, 6 Nov 2001, Tim Peters wrote:

>Umm, OK, PyObject_DEL() ... is a macro ... which redirects to
>PyObject_FREE() ... which is a macro ... which redirects to
>PyCore_OBJECT_FREE() ... which is a macro ... which redirects to
>PyCore_OBJECT_FREE_FUNC() ... which is a macro ... which redirects to
>_PyCore_ObjectFree (WITH_PYMALLOC) or PyCore_FREE_FUNC (without).
>PyCore_FREE_FUNC is a macro ... which redirects to free().  And
>_PyCore_ObjectFree ... doesn't exist.  I must have missed an #undef in there
>somewhere ...  (-- etc ad nauseam)

>Big Hammer?  Change every one of the existing guys to resolve to malloc()
>and free().  Then declare them all obsolete, define a much smaller new set
>of names, edit the core to use the new guys, and non-core modules get stuck
>with malloc/free until they're rewritten too.  It sucks, but we'd be in
>better shape today if that *had* been done the last time this got reworked.

+1, with the option of using a bigger hammer
