[Python-Dev] Re: complex() bug or feature? (fwd)

Michael Hudson mwh@python.net
08 Nov 2001 10:26:38 -0500

Skip Montanaro <skip@pobox.com> writes:

> The topic of the behavior and documentation of complex() in the face of
> string args came up in c.l.py.  I believe the current behavior and
> documentation are both in error.  I have a patch, test case and doc fixes
> that I still need to run.  Looks like a probably bug fix for 2.2b2 to me.
> I'll submit a bug report and patch and assign to Tim.

Unlike the one I just submitted and assigned to Fred?


Does yours do things significantly differently?  I'm not too enamoured
with the error message in mine.

using-my-unfair-advantage-of-being-in-europe-ly y'rs

  ARTHUR:  Ford, you're turning into a penguin, stop it.
                    -- The Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy, Episode 2