[Python-Dev] switch-based programming in Python

Martin v. Loewis martin@v.loewis.de
Thu, 8 Nov 2001 17:44:20 +0100

> Now would such a change be acceptable if the optimization would
> only be triggered for builtin immuatble types on both sides of
> the "==" ?

It may be even acceptable with the language change if the procedures
for introducing incompatible language changes are followed (i.e. add a
__future__ import in one version, and only use the optimization if the
future is imported; in the next version, decide that the future is

When there is clearly no language change, the change would be
acceptable to me if it would cause no "significant" slow-down if the
optimization wasn't triggered. I assume you'll need a run-time test,
so it is likely that there is atleast a small slow-down due to the
additional test. Of course, only experiments can show whether the
slow-down is "significant".
