[Python-Dev] order of unittest.TestCase execution?
Barry A. Warsaw
Mon, 12 Nov 2001 10:04:54 -0500
>>>>> "SM" == Skip Montanaro <skip@pobox.com> writes:
SM> No, I was just trying to mimic the structure of the
SM> test_xmlrpc.py module. It put all the cases into one class,
SM> so I did to. I realized I wanted to run the creation test
SM> before the others and noticed that it was executing them in
SM> alphabetical order. I was just wondering if I could rely on
SM> that or if that was just a quirk of either the current
SM> test_support or unittest implementations and couldn't be
SM> relied on.
I don't think you should count on execution order. I don't think it's
guaranteed and it will make your tests much more fragile.