[Python-Dev] CRLF in email.Generator

Gustavo Niemeyer niemeyer@conectiva.com
Fri, 16 Nov 2001 12:12:19 -0200

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Hello Barry!!

First, I'd like to thank you for implementing the email package.
It seems very complete and will be useful for sure.

I've been looking at the Generator module. It seems to be writing
the message with:

print >> self._fp, "text"

This should probably be replaced by:


Print's end of line will depend on the system where python is being
run. If you run it in Linux, it will output just a "\n". This breaks

Messages are divided into lines of characters.  A line is a series of
characters that is delimited with the two characters carriage-return
and line-feed; that is, the carriage return (CR) character (ASCII
value 13) followed immediately by the line feed (LF) character (ASCII
value 10).  (The carriage-return/line-feed pair is usually written in
this document as "CRLF".)

As a side note, I'd like to suggest the inclusion of some kind of
"raw_input". There are cases where you want to see the raw message
(or just part of it), instead of regenerating it. This happens, for
example, when you want to check a signed multipart message.

Thank you very much!

Gustavo Niemeyer

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