[Python-Dev] RELEASED: Python 2.2b2 is out!

Barry A. Warsaw barry@zope.com
Fri, 16 Nov 2001 15:52:57 -0500

Today we release Python 2.2b2, the second -- and probably last -- beta
release of Python 2.2, for your enervation, elocution, and


Our thanks to everyone who is testing out these beta releases!  Please
continue to report any bug you find to the bug tracker:


Highlights of what's new for this release are outlined below.  For a
more complete list, please see:


Andrew Kuchling is writing a gentle introduction to the most important
changes, titled "What's New in Python 2.2":


Guido's written his own introduction to the type/class unification at:


python-is-so-proud-of-little-brother-orlijn-ly y'rs,

-------------------- snip snip --------------------
- Lots of bug fixes!

- Multiple inheritance mixing new-style and classic classes in the
  list of base classes is now allowed.

- The new builtin dictionary() constructor, and dictionary type, have
  been renamed to dict.  This reflects a decade of common usage.

- dict() now accepts an iterable object producing 2-sequences.  For
  example, dict(d.items()) == d for any dictionary d.  The argument,
  and the elements of the argument, can be any iterable objects.

- New-style classes can now have a __del__ method, which is called
  when the instance is deleted (just like for classic classes).

- Assignment to object.__dict__ is now possible, for objects that are
  instances of new-style classes that have a __dict__ (unless the base
  class forbids it).

- The socket function has been converted to a type; see below.

- Assignment to __debug__ raises SyntaxError at compile-time.  This
  was promised when 2.1c1 was released as "What's New in Python 2.1c1".

- mmap has a new keyword argument, "access", allowing a uniform way for
  both Windows and Unix users to create read-only, write-through and
  copy-on-write memory mappings.

- By default, the gc.garbage list now contains only those instances in
  unreachable cycles that have __del__ methods.

- The socket module defines a new method for socket objects,

- Symbolic group names in regular expressions must be unique.

- We've finally confirmed that this release builds on HP-UX 11.00,
  *with* threads, and passes the test suite.

- Thanks to a series of patches from Michael Muller, Python may build
  again under OS/2 Visual Age C++.

- Updated RISCOS port by Dietmar Schwertberger.