[Python-Dev] Change to sys.path[0] for Python 2.3

James C. Ahlstrom jim@interet.com
Mon, 26 Nov 2001 09:17:43 -0500

Jack Jansen wrote:
> I'm not too thrilled about this, especially not in the 2.2 release cycle. The
> sys.path logic is difficult, and everytime a change was made on one platform
> this change immedeately broke things on all other platforms. For instance: on

I agree, and I am very worried about breaking imports on platforms
which I do not have, and which I can not test.  But I am working
on zip imports, which is a Good Thing.  While working on this I
can fix other things which don't seem quite right.  If things break,
I currently have time to fix them due to reduced pressure at work.

And of course it is for 2.3, not 2.2.

> And the "python -c" mod I really disagree with. 'python -c "import foo"' in
> the directory containing foo.py is the standard way of using this, which you
> would break.

OK, I think you are right here.  The "-c" option should insert
the current directory.  Currently it inserts "".
