[Python-Dev] Integrating Expat

Skip Montanaro skip@pobox.com (Skip Montanaro)
Mon, 1 Oct 2001 13:05:35 -0500

    mal> Hmm, you cannot really compare these numbers though, since the two
    mal> runs use two different sets of parsers. Have you checked using
    mal> SgmlopParser with the 0.9.8 version of xmlrpclib ?

They are the same parser.  I forgot to mention that.  What is called
"FastParser" in 0.9.8 is called SgmlopParser in the CVS version.  That has a
different thing called "FastParser".  I believe it is the thing you can get
by contacting Pythonware.

    mal> There's also a project on SF called py-xmlrpc which uses a C
    mal> implementation as basis and is said to be much faster than
    mal> xmlrpclib (at least that's what they quote on their web-page).

Yes, it is.  Amazingly enough, the guy who wrote it (Shilad Sen at
Sourcelight Technologies) works in the same building I do (and it's a pretty
small building).  We had lunch last week and talked a bit about it.  It
doesn't yet do Unicode.  I sent Shilad my little test script.  He modified
it to use his parser.  His results suggest that py-xmlrpc is about as fast
as cPickle. 
