[Python-Dev] xmlrpclib speed boost
Skip Montanaro
skip@pobox.com (Skip Montanaro)
Mon, 1 Oct 2001 12:55:37 -0500
Regarding slowdown in xmlrpclib dump performance, I wrote:
Skip> I haven't had or taken the time to investigate the difference yet.
Well, it turned out to be pretty trivial. Somewhere along the way, the
import of the escape function from the cgi module got moved out of the top
level into the various functions that call it. Moving it back out to top
level fixed that. I just checked in this change and a fairly trivial test
case for xmlrpclib.
This change may be deemed not to be the correct fix as far backwards
compatibility is concerned (it uses the "from m import x as y" feature which
was new with 2.0 I think). If someone alters this fix, please don't put the
import back into the functions that call cgi.escape.