[Python-Dev] os.spawnv[e] and related constants

Skip Montanaro skip@pobox.com (Skip Montanaro)
Fri, 5 Oct 2001 14:13:49 -0500

The spawnv and spawnve functions in the os module look useful, but the lib
manual documentation is rather sparse about their semantics, referring the
reader to the VC++ Runtime Library for more info.  Perhaps this is poetic
justice for us Unix bigots (since many people often complain that the Python
library and docs are too Unix-centric), but it would be useful to know what
the return values (if any) of these functions are and what the related P_*
constants mean.  I can guess about P_WAIT and P_NOWAIT, but the meanings of
the others aren't obvious to a person without Windows experience.
