[Python-Dev] threading bug?

Tim Peters tim.one@home.com
Fri, 5 Oct 2001 15:48:20 -0400

[Thomas Heller]
> Here's the short info (I can provide everything to produce this,
> but not today).

You overestimate my interest <wink>.

> ActiveState's Python 2.1.1, running under Win2k SP1.
> Haven't tried in other Python versions.
> No gui involved.
> The thread basically calls os.stat, not sure if it also calls reload().

If you can produce a reasonably small failing program, that doesn't involve
foreign threads (as before, we've got no handle on those), attach it to a
new bug report on SourceForge.  If I can reproduce it in core Python, I'll
find a way to fix it; else it's unique to ActiveState's distro, and they'll
have to tackle it.