[Python-Dev] CVS question: checking in old doc update

Greg Ward gward@python.net
Thu, 18 Oct 2001 19:00:06 -0400

How embarassing.  I've just discovered that I added a couple pages of
text to one of the Distutils docs a year ago, and then never checked it
in.  Since then, various people have made various changes, and simply
"cvs up"'ing produced a horrible mess.

For posterity, I'd like to check in my changes relative to the last
revision I worked on.  That is, sometime in October 2000, I made
revision 1.26 to Doc/dist/dist.tex, and on October 29th (according to my
own backups), I added a bunch of text and made some other changes.

So I *think* I'd like to make a "mini-branch" for this one file, where I
check in my year-old changes relative to revision 1.26.  I tried this:

  cvs ci -r1.26 dist.tex

but CVS said

  cvs server: Up-to-date check failed for `dist.tex'

So I said, "Fine, I'll be explicit about working relative to rev 1.26":

  mv dist.tex dist.tex-hacked
  cvs up -r 1.26 dist.tex
  mv dist.tex-hacked dist.tex
  cvs ci dist.tex

And this time CVS said:

  cvs server: sticky tag `1.26' for file `dist.tex' is not a branch

Sigh.  Do I have to explicitly create a branch for this, as in

  cvs tag -r 1.26 -b last-gpw-revision

?  If that's the only thing to do, is it OK for me to do this?  It's
only one file.  Is that a good name for the branch?

Greg Ward - just another /P(erl|ython)/ hacker          gward@python.net
Reality is for people who can't handle science fiction.