[Python-Dev] Re: Suggested memory API rules for 2.3

Tim Peters tim.one@comcast.net
Thu, 04 Apr 2002 04:04:20 -0500

 [Michael Hudson]
>>> We should probably provide an example of preprocessor hackery that
>>> lets you use these interfaces and remain backward compatible as far as
>>> possible.  Maybe even a little .h file which we can suggest extension
>>> authors bundle with their extensions.

>> I would be delighted if somebody else did that.  As I age, I find it
>> increasingly difficult to do more than 103 things at once <wink>.

> I hope you don't mind if I wait a few weeks.  Though I guess I
> wouldn't be aiming for a moving target now, I'll feel safer in a month
> or so...

I'd wait too, if I were you -- the only thing we've actually finished so far
are the hard parts <wink>.  I hope /F and MAL will help too, since they know
more about writing Python extensions in real life than anyone except the
Queen Mum.

and-now-that-she's-dead-she-probably-knows-everything-ly y'rs  - tim